The Mission To Clean Away COVID
As the COVID-19 pandemic began to unfold, concerned families rushed to protect their loved ones by spraying and wiping disinfectants on items entering the home. Unfortunately, the over-use and misuse of disinfectants can be harmful, especially if proper safety protocols are not followed.
In an effort to help families effectively protect against COVID-19 in the home, we partnered with doctors and experts in environmental health science, gathering the best and most recent guidance on the topic.
The Clean Away COVID public service campaign includes important messaging about the proper steps to guard against COVID-19 in home environments. These include frequent hand washing, thorough cleaning with soap and water, and safer disinfectant use if someone at home is sick. When going out, always maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet and wear a protective face covering.
Spread the Word. Not the Virus.
Share the Campaign to Clean Away COVID
Share the website + toolkit.
Do you work with families in your community? If so, please share the Clean Away COVID website link with those you serve. Our resource materials are available for download at no cost to WIC, local and state health agencies, schools, non-profits, and community and faith organizations. Individuals and families are also welcome to download and share the materials at no cost. Simply click the button below to access our tools and learn how to share on your own website.
NEW! Share the Clean Away ads.
Using safer cleaning and disinfecting practices to keep common infections out of the home doesn’t have to be complicated or boring! That’s the message communicated through these new social media video ads, which highlight household surface cleaning through song and dance. Approachable and light-hearted, these ads are being used to bridge the public to our new consumer landing page, Easy As 1-2-3. Use the linked ads below to build interest and share important information that can help families stay healthy.
Share through social media.
The Clean Away COVID campaign centers around an empowering and educational video that just happens to feature an incredibly catchy song and some pretty great dance moves! Available on YouTube, this video and a series of others deliver important messages about maintaining safe home environments during the pandemic. Please share the videos and post them on your social media channels. You can also use our key message images, media posts and hashtag below to make it easy on yourself. As the Clean Away COVID song so aptly proclaims, “we can do our part to save a civilian.”
SAMPLE SHAREABLE MESSAGE: Did you know that cleaning and disinfecting are two separate steps? Be sure to regularly clean your surfaces with soap and water, and only use disinfectants if someone at home is sick. #cleanawaycovid
SAMPLE SHAREABLE MESSAGE: Protect your children and pets before, during and after cleaning and disinfecting. Safely store cleaning and disinfecting products in a high cabinet away from their reach or in a cabinet with a child-proof lock. #cleanawaycovid
SAMPLE SHAREABLE MESSAGE: Pregnant or suffering from a respiratory illness? Avoid handling disinfectants if at all possible. If it’s necessary because someone at home is sick, choose a disinfectant that is hydrogen-peroxide based. #cleanawaycovid
SAMPLE SHAREABLE MESSAGE: Soap is the most effective cleaning weapon against COVID-19. Start removing germs from your home by mixing 1 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap with 1 cup of water in a spray bottle. #cleanawaycovid
SAMPLE SHAREABLE MESSAGE: Does someone at home have COVID-19? Clean first, then disinfect all of your surfaces to protect your entire family. Make sure your loved one has a separate room and bathroom, and have everyone wear a mask. #cleanawaycovid
SAMPLE SHAREABLE MESSAGE: COVID-19 is no match for regular cleaning with soap and water and a microfiber cloth. Pay special attention to those frequently-touched surfaces including light switches, door knobs, cabinet pulls and stair railings. #cleanawaycovid
Behind the Scenes
Safety is at the heart of the Clean Away COVID campaign. Filming the series of videos during the pandemic took extensive planning and safety protocols in order to keep the actors, film crew and other staff safe. A COVID-19 Compliance Officer was on set to ensure all safety rules were observed and enforced. A spacious home allowed the crew of over 30 to maintain social distancing. Everyone wore masks at all times. Here are some of the behind the scenes shots from the Clean Away COVID set.